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KSSR Primary Standard Six Mathematics Exercises Set 2

Standard 6 Subject Lists

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A. Please select the correct answer.

1. 6.14 million
A. 6 140 000
B. 614 000
C. 61 400
D. 614

2. Write 3 14 million as an integer.
A. 3 550 000
B. 3 250 000
C. 3 150 000
D. 3 050 000

3. Round the nearest value of 3 726 014 to millions.
A. 3 million
B. 3.7 million
C. 3.73 million
D. 4 million

4. Which of the following numbers is not a prime number?
A. 10
B. 29
C. 31
D. 53

5. 1 14 + 16 =
A. 6 12
B. 7 12
C. 8 12
D. 9 12

6. The figure below shows a number line.
Find the value of X.
A. 5 15 million
B. 5 25 million
C. 5 35 million
D. 5 45 million

7. Convert 9 160 000 to decimals in millions.
A. 0.96 million
B. 9.016 million
C. 9.16 million
D. 916 million

8. 3 14 meters of 25 = ________centimeters
A. 126
B. 128
C. 130
D. 132

9. 6 15 ÷ Q = 7 34
Calculate the value of Q.
A. 1 45
B. 1 14
C. 45
D. 14

10.Convert 325% to a fraction number.
A. 3 14
B. 3 12
C. 4 14
D. 4 12

11. The figure below shows a set of data.

97, 82, 53, 36, 99, 89

Based on the data, calculate the average.
A. 76
B. 75
C. 74
D. 73

12. The figure below shows the number of apples and oranges.
Which is the ratio of the number of apples to the number of oranges?
A. 1:2
B. 1:3
C. 2:1
D. 3:1

13. The following figure shows two data sets.

768253   145096

What is the value for product of the two numbers of 5?
A. 350 000
B. 300 000
C. 250 000
D. 200 000

14. The figure below shows a set of data.

103  112  93 100 102 93 112

Find the median in the data.
A. 93
B. 100
C. 102
D. 103

15. Mom used a bag of 35 flour to calculate the percentage of remained flour.
A. 20%
B. 40%
C. 60%
D. 80%

16. RM 0.04 is required for copying a page of documents. How much does it cost to copy 1000-page document?
A. RM 4
B. RM 40
C. RM 400
D. RM 4 000

17. The following figure shows a bridge diagram
Found P ÷ 0.25 x 1.3 =
A. 0.56
B. 0.65
C. 5.6
D. 6.5

18. The figure below shows a right triangle.
The ratio of high to low of the triangle is 1: 5. Calculate the centimeter area of​the triangle.
A. 20
B. 30
C. 40
D. 80

19. The figure below shows a number line.
P ÷ 3 =
A. 37
B. 57
C. 117
D. 1 27

20. LinLi and Mingda made a total deposit of RM 7060 per month. They spend an average of one year on three investment plans. What is the investment amount of each plan?
A. RM 21 180
B. RM 28 240
C. RM 56 480
D. RM 84 720

21. Elephants can live up to 4 decade. The life span of dinosaurs is five times than elephants. How old can a dinosaur live?
A. 20
B. 45
C. 200
D. 400

22. A Chinese knot requires a 3m red string. Lin Xi has a 15m red rope. How many Chinese knots can be woven?
A. 6
B. 9
C. 15
D. 25

23. Pan Junhong scored 84.8 points in the London Olympic women's 10m platform diving competition. Pan Delilah is 8.06 points less than her, calculating the total scores of two persons' scores in this game.
A. 76.74
B. 92.86
C. 161.54
D. 177.66

24. Linde saved RM 10,000 in a bank. The annual interest rate is 3.2%. How much interest does he earn after six months?
A. RM 160
B. RM320
C. RM480
D. RM640

25. The original price of white rice was RM 2 per kg, and then the price of white rice increased by 20%. After the price increase, my mother bought 5 kg of white rice. Calculate how much she has to pay?
A. RM 4.00
B. RM 8.00
C. RM 10.00
D. RM 12.00

26. Lida has 2kg30g of chicken. After he used 1.04kg of chicken to make shredded chicken, how many grams of chicken remained?
A. 0.99
B. 9.9
C. 99
D. 990

27. The weight of a bag of potatoes is equal to the weight of two bags of carrots. A bag of carrots weighs 2.5 kg. How many grams do two bags of potatoes weigh?
A. 5
B. 10
C. 5000
D. 10 000

28. The picture below shows the weight of four cans of sardines.
Calculate the weight of 3 cans of sardines in kg.
A. 0.245
B. 0.495
C. 0.575
D. 0.735

29. Carabi ’s car travels 63km 90m every half hour. Calculate the distance traveled by Carabi ’s car in 3 hours in km.
A. 189.27
B. 191.7
C. 378.54
D. 383.4

30. There is a 520-meter path in the school. Plant a small tree every 10 meters. How many trees are planted on both sides of these two roads?
A. 52
B. 53
C. 104
D. 106

31. The figure below shows the weight of the H box.
After Li Qi puts 0.44kg of white paper in the H box, how much kg does the box weigh now?
A. 2.1
B. 2.54
C. 3.1
D. 3.54

32. An ink painter painted three paintings. The first picture took 3 12 hours, the second picture took 1 110 hours less than the first picture, and the third picture took 1 15 hours longer than the second picture. How many hours did the third painting take to complete?
A. 1 15
B. 2 35
C. 3 35
D. 5 35

33. The picture below shows the conversation between Mrs. Huang and Mr. Huang.

Mrs. Huang: My annual salary is RM 60 000
Mr. Huang: My half year annual salary is 20% less than your annual salary.

Calculate Mr. Huang's monthly salary.
A. RM 2000
B. RM 4000
C. RM 6000
D. RM 8000

34. The figure below is composed of triangles with same size.
Abdullah has painted black some triangles. He wants to paint black in total 40% of the triangle in the picture. How many triangles does he need to paint black?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 8
D. 10

35. The figure below shows a comprehensive planar figure formed by a square ABED and a triangle BCD. Calculate the perimeter of the whole picture in cm.
A. 25
B. 32
C. 36
D. 40

36. The figure below shows a plan view.
BC, DE, and FH have the same length. Calculate the area of the whole picture in cm2.
A. 54
B. 62
C. 64
D. 68

37. There are 520 students in sixth grade of a school. The teacher divided all sixth graders into red, yellow, blue and green groups. The number of girls in the red group consists of 45 in the group. There are 35 fewer female students in the green group than in the red group. Calculate the total number of female students in the red group and the green group.
A. 104
B. 173
C. 225
D. 5 243

38. There are 200 lollipops in 8 bags, and the number of lollipops in each bag is equal. How many lollipops are in 5 identical bags?
A. 124
B. 125
C. 225
D. 5 126

39. Junhao has a deposit of RM 80 000 in the bank, and the annual interest rate in 2017 is 4%. Junhao wants to buy an apartment with a price of RM 425 000 in 2018.          He needs to use 15% of the deposit to pay the price as the first installment. How much savings does Junhao have after paying deposit?
A. RM 19 300
B. RM 19 450
C. RM 19 550
D. RM 63 750

40. The picture below shows the length of the two ribbons

The P ribbon is 0.5 times the Q ribbon
Q Ribbon is 0.65m

The total length of these two ribbons is 1.25 times the R ribbon. Calculate the length of the R ribbon in m.
A. 0.78
B. 0.87
C. 1.21
D. 1.37

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