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KSSR Primary Standard Six English Answer Set 4

Standard 6 Subject Lists

A. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1 There _____________ no news of the missing the child since yesterday.
A has
B was
C is
D were

2 I'm running __________ small business currently, said Jake to Alan.
A a
B the
C an
D -

3 Someone ___________ left a message and placed it under the doorstep.
A has
B is
C have
D are

4 'I saw someone hiding _______ the bushes,' said Amy to her mother.
A through
B for
C behind
D on

5 We'll get wet _______ we find a shelter as quick as lightning.
A unless
B and
C then
D though

Choose the most suitable idiom.
6 The beggar was _________ because he had not eaten for months.
A all honey and no sting
B all grist to the mill
C all skin and bones
D all geese are swans

Question 7 to 9
Choose thE best answer to fill in the blank in the passage that follows.

(7)_________ the last summer holiday, my mother and I went to the National Science Centre in Singapore. As I (8)________ into the first gallery, it seemed that I had entered a different world. The first gallery (9)_________ a room representing ancient civilizations. Then, we visited a 3-D graphic representation of life as we live it today. It was such a memorable day!

7. A on
B After
C During
D Since

A stop
B stepping
C steps
D stepped

A are
B was
C is
D were

Question 10
Choose the word that has the opposite
10 Miss Jenny is such a careful person. She checks every single word in the essay.
A lazy
B careless
C meticulous
D unconscientious

Question 11
A 'Be sure to feed the dog before you leave the house,' Mum said.
B Be sure to feed the dog before you leave the house, Mum said.
C 'Be sure to feed the dog before you leave the house,' mum said.
D 'Be sure to feed the dog before you leave the house!' Mum said,

Questions 12 to 15
Based on the picture, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows.

It was a Sunday morning, Lee Wei and his mother decided to (12)___________ to the library. On the way to the library, they witnessed an accident. They saw a motorcyclist injured and was (13)___________ in pain on the ground. Lee Wei called the ambulance as fast as he could. After 10 minutes, the ambulance arrived at the scene. They carried the motorcyclist using the (14)__________ into the ambulance. Lee Wei and his mother were (15)__________ that the motorcyclist was stil alive.

A go
B going
C went
D gone

A giggled
B howling
C sarcastically
D utterly

A carrier
B hammock
C stretcher
D bed

A relief
B relieving
C reliefed
D relieved

Questions 16 and 17
Read the timetable carefully and answer the questions that follow.

16 On which day Amy does not have any tuition?
A Tuesday
B Wednesday
C Thursday
D Friday

17 What do you understand by 'Tug of War' games?
A war game
B wrestling
C two teams pulling on opposite ends of a rope
D track and field

Questions 18 to 20
Read the story below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Ramu was a simple village boy. He studied at his village school until Standard 5. After that, he moved to Hyderabad to further his studies. Hyderabad was new to him and he stayed with his uncle, who had lived in the city for a long time. Every day, his uncle would drop him off at school on the way to his office.

One day, his uncle had to go to office earlier than usual and Ramu had to go to school by himself. He knew the way and managed to reach school on time without any problem. In the evening when school was out, two strangers at the school gate greeted Ramu.

They saw Ramu and rushed to him. 'We are from your village,' said one man. Your mother and father sent us to bring you from Hyderabad. Ramu believed them and got into their van to go to his hometown. Ramu didn't realize that they were actually kidnappers.

Later, Ramu told them that the road. they were on was not the route to his village. 'This is another route to your village,' they said. But Ramu had his suspicions and
understood that he was being kidnapped. He sat and observed the road, and when they stopped the van for a break, Ramu got away and ran to the main road. He flagged down a passing vehicle and got a ride back to the city. His uncle was waiting worriedly. Since then, Ramu became bolder and went to school on his.own.

18 The word kidnapped means ________.
A rescued
B released
C removed
D abducted Answer

19 How did Ramu go to school when his uncle had to go to office earlier than usual?
A by bus
B by car
C by van
D by foot Answer

20 From the story, what can we conclude about Ramu? A Ramu is a brave and smart boy B Ramu goes to school by bus
C Ramu directs the kidnappers to the village
D Ramu's uncle does not care about Ramu Answer

Question 21
Write a suitable response for each picture in the space provided.

A: Help! There is a cockroach in the bathroom.
B: Answer:

A: Do you like the gift?
B: Answer:


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