Free Learning Points

Free tutorials, exercises can be found from this learning platform. It can help you to develop and learn the skills which can be used in work and life. Besides, this is also a platform which allow public to find the data science relevant answers with free of charge

这里也提供KSSR小学一到六年级免费考试练习题与答案。这些练习题都是从全马华小考卷里拿出,小朋友可以直接把答案填写在网站里面 作答完成后,父母或孩子自己可直接点击答案检查是否有错误。父母不需要再把复习题打印出来就能够让小朋友作答。


free learning point 1

Python Tutorials

Python is a general purpose and high level programming language. Therefore, python programming languages can be used for developing desktop GUI applications, websites, web applications and data manipulation for data science.

free learning point 2

Python Exercises

The best way of excellent in python programming languages is learning through exercises. The great exercises and solutions are provided, let's find out through the button.

free learning point 3

KSSM Exercises

Secondary Form 1 to 5 KSSM exercises with free answer can be found from here. Students can fill in the answer in the website directly and check it by clicking the answer button.

free learning point 4

KSSR Exercises

Primary standard 1 to 6 KSSR exercises with free answer can be found from here. Children can fill in the answer in the website directly and check it by clicking the answer button.